Titanium Magnetic Bracelets Benefits Explained
Titanium bracelets are fashionable items, but as a form of magnetic therapy, they may also alleviate the pain of some conditions. Safe and easy to wear, titanium bracelets can lessen the symptoms of conditions such as arthritis and back pain.
Pain Relief
Titanium bracelets have gained popularity as a method of pain reduction in some cases of carpal tunnel syndrome. One theory suggests that when magnets are applied to an area, the nerves are stimulated, releasing the body's own natural pain killers. Another theory states that magnets stimulate blood flow and increase ionic exchange, bringing healthy oxygenated blood and nutrients to the area.
Titanium bracelets are thought to function as a local anesthetic as well as a healing compound. The usage of negatively charged magnets in direct contact with an injured area may heighten the body's instinct to begin the healing process. The healing process involves the localizing and disposing of by-products of an injury.
Immune System Boost
Titanium bracelets may even play a role in increasing white blood cells. White blood cells defend the body against infectious diseases and foreign materials, and flush toxins out of the affected areas, promoting a healthier immune system. Wearing jewelry containing titanium may assist in speeding up the body's own immune system.
Wearing a titanium bracelet could give you more energy. Magnetic therapy is thought to increase oxygen flow within the human body. Oxygen flow plays an important part in the metabolism of energy, or the usage of the body's energy sources and the respiration of carbon dioxide, the waste product of cellular respiration. When more oxygen is available for usage by muscles and tissues on a cellular level, this may leave you feeling more energetic
Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Using a titanium bracelet may serve an anti-inflammatory function. This is due to the restoration of the normal electromagnetic balance in the body. A normal electromagnetic balance relaxes capillary walls, as well as surrounding muscles and connective tissues, allowing for the proper blood flow. Proper blood flow promotes the transfer of oxygen and nutrients to the injured site, leading to a decrease in pain and inflammatory agents.
Just received the bracelet this afternoon. Unable to open the clasp that holds the pin enabling the bracelet to be worn on wrist. Please advise.